Sunday, November 9, 2014

Forerunner To The Antichrist: Sick Killer Anders Breivik Claims He's Working '70 Hours A Week' As He Preaches Hate From Prison Cell

"A forerunner of the Antichrist, with his troops drawn from many nations, will wage war against the true Christ, sole Savior of the world; he will shed much blood and will seek to annihilate the cult of God so as to be regarded as a god." Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)

Potential candidate for Forerunner to the Antichrist is Anders Behring Breivik or ABB even though he is not a Roman Catholic - yet.

(Mirror) Oct 18, 2014 19:52

By Tom Parry

The mass murderer, serving 21 years for the 2011 slaughter of 77 people in Norway, has written to his dad, claiming he is on contact with fellow fascists

Mass killer Anders Breivik says he is working “70 hours a week” to spread his ideology of hate from prison, reports Tom Parry in the Sunday People.

The psychopath , serving 21 years for the 2011 slaughter of 77 people in Norway, boasted that he has regular chats with fellow fascists.

Breivik, 35, has previously said he went on his murder spree because of his hatred for multi-culturalism.

In a rambling letter to dad Jens, a retired diplomat, he ranted: “I am proud I have been able to contribute to the salvation of my people.

“I continue to work 70-hour weeks to that end.

“My campaign was, as is commonly known, the most significant by a nationalist in the whole of post-war European history.

“History will always repeat itself and in a few years the fascist will yet again rule northern Europe.

"I have many ideological brothers and sisters in France with whom I correspond.”

He called his father a “coward” for not backing his views and said he has “renounced” his family.

A Treatise Of Antichrist: The Disputation Of Antichrist Is Propounded, And The First Argument From The Name It Self Discussed ~ By Michael Christopherson (Walpole) Priest 1613 CHAPTER 1 BOOK VII


Wherein the Disputation of Antichrist is propounded.


But without doubt they are deceived,or endeavor to deceive, for the name of Antichrist cannot in any sort, signify the Vicar of Christ, but only some that is contrary to Christ: and contrary not howsoever,but is such sort, that he strive with him for the seat & dignity of Christ, that is, who is amulas Christi, at emulation with Christ,and would be accounted Christ,having cast him down who is truly Christ.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

A Treatise Of Antichrist: The Disputation Of Antichrist Is Propounded, And The First Argument From The Name It Self Discussed ~ By Michael Christopherson (Walpole) Priest 1613 CHAPTER 1 BOOK VI


Wherein the Disputation of Antichrist is propounded.


For the first,some of our adversaries teach, that the name of Antichrist doth properly signify the Vicar of Christ, and therefore that the Pope, who affirmeth himself to be Christs Vicar is Antichrist.

So teacheth Wolfgangus Musculus in locis cap. de potest. Ministroru, and he prove it, because that word ανtι signify vice, whence ανtιζανtηγδς signify him who obtrudeth himself for Captain,that is, who will be accompted the Captains Vicar.

The Magdeburgenses cent.I.lib.2.cap.4.colum.435. do teach, that the Pope is therefore the true Antichrist because he maketh himself the vicar of Christ.

Friday, November 7, 2014

A Treatise Of Antichrist: The Disputation Of Antichrist Is Propounded, And The First Argument From The Name It Self Discussed ~ By Michael Christopherson (Walpole) Priest 1613 CHAPTER 1 BOOK V


Wherein the Disputation of Antichrist is propounded.


Wherefore that this question may be diligently explicated, nine heads are to be treated of.

First of the name it self of Antichrist.

2. Whether Antichrist be one man or a kind of men.

3. Of the time of his coming and death.

4. Of his proper name.

5. Of what nation he shall be born, & by whom he shall chiefly be received.

6. Where he shall fix his seat.

7. Of his doctrine and manners.

8. Of his miracles.

9. Of his kingdom and wars.

For out of all these, it will most clearly appear, with what impudence the heretics make the Pope Antichrist: to which we will add a Chapter,wherein we will prove, that the Pope is not only not Antichrist, but that he hath in no sort left to be the Bishop and pastor of the whole Church, that nothing may remain not solved of Calvin's objections.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Treatise Of Antichrist: The Disputation Of Antichrist Is Propounded, And The First Argument From The Name It Self Discussed ~ By Michael Christopherson (Walpole) Priest 1613 CHAPTER 1 BOOK IV

First Chapter 

Wherein the Disputation of Antichrist is propounded.


The like teach all the heretics of this time, & chiefly Luther in supput. temporum, & in & 36.and often in other places.

Likewise the Magdeburgenses Centur.i.lib.2.cap.4.colum.434. & sequent. and in all the following Centuries cap.4.7.10. Illyricus in lib. de primat.

David Chyreus in cap. 9.&13. Apoc.

Likewise Wolfgangus Musculus in loc.commun.tit. de Ecclesia.

Theodor. Beza in Com.2.Thessal.2.

Theodor.Bibliander in Chron.tabul.10.11.12.&14.

Henricus Pantaleon in Chron.Henricus Bullinger sauas Apocal.

And before all these John Wickliffe art.30. amongst those which are condemned in Council.Constanstiensi sess, 8. pronounced the Pope to be Antichrist.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

First Argument From The Name It Self Discussed ~ By Michael Christopherson (Walpole) Priest 1613 Chapter I. Bk.iii

First Chapter 

Wherein the Disputation of Antichrist is propounded.


Now Calvin Lib.4.cap.7.&23. "Let (saith he) all those things be true,which notwithstanding we have now wrested from them, that Peter was by the voice of Christ, appointed Head of the universal Church, & that he left the honor given unto him in the Roman Sea, that thus was established by the authority of the ancient Church, & confirmed by long use, that the chiefest authority was always due from all to the Bishop of Rome,and that he was the judge of all causes and men, that he was subject to the judgment of none; let them have more also if they will:Yet I answer in one word, that nothing of this standeth in force, except the Church and Bishop be at Rome.

And after &.24. Let the Romanists untie me this knot: I deny that their Pope is the Prince of Bishops, since that he is not a Bishop.

And after. Let Rome in times past have been the Mother of all Churches:but since she began to become the seat of Antichrist, she left to be that which she was.

And after &.25.We seem to some, backbiters and slanderers,when we call the Bishop of Rome Antichrist, but they which think so, understand not that they accuse Paul of immodesty, after whom we speak, yea out of whose mouth we speak so.

And least any object, that we wrongfully wrest Paul'swords against the Pope which pertain to another purpose,I will briefly show, that they cannot  be understood otherwie, then of the Popedome." So he.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A Treatise Of Antichrist: The Disputation Of Antichrist Is Propounded, And The First Argument From The Name It Self Discussed ~ By Michael Christopherson (Walpole) Priest 1613 Chapter I. Bk.ii

First Chapter

Wherein the Disputation of Antichrist is propounded.


But he should have showed, into what  errors the Bishops of Rome are fallen,and when,and by whome they were condemned.

For we know,that in the General Lateran Council under Innocentius the third, and of Lyons under Gregory the tenth, and of Florence under Eugenius the fourth, the Greeks being convicted of error, returned to the Faith of the Latins, and afterward always returned to their vomit again, and were therefore most grievously punished by God; but we never read that the Latins came to the Faith of the Greeks.

Neither can there any Ecclesiastical judgment be produced against the Latins,as we bring many against the Greeks.

Monday, November 3, 2014

A Treatise Of Antichrist: The Disputation Of Antichrist Is Propounded, And The First Argument From The Name It Self Discussed ~ By Michael Christopherson (Walpole) Priest 1613 Chapter I. Bk.i.

Pope Francis Verano Cemetery
2 November 2014
First Chapter

Wherein the Disputation of Antichrist is propounded.


We have demonstrated hitherto (saith Bellarmine) that the Pope succedeth S. Peter in the chiefest Princedom of the whole Church.

It remaineth that we see, whether at any time the Pope hath fallen from this degree, for that our adversaries contend, that he is not at this time a true Bishop of Rome, whatsoever he was before.

And Nilus in the end of his book against the Primacy of the Bishop of Rome, speaketh thus: But let that be the sum and head of my speech, that while the Pope keepeth in the Church a convenient, heavenly, and of ancient time appointed order, while he holdeth and defendeth the heavenly truth, & while he cleaveth to Christ, the chief and true Lord and head of the Church, I will easily suffer him to be both the head of the Church, & the chiefest Priest, & the successor of Peter, or else if he will, of all the Apostles, that all obey him, and that whatsoever belongeth to his honour, be in nothing dimmished: but if he be departed from the truth, & will not return to it, he ought deservedly to be accounted of, as one that is condemned and rejected.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Praise ye Him According To The Multitude Of His Greatness

The Resurrection of Christ 
c. 1570

Solemn Lauds of Easter Day
PSALM 150 (from the Vulgate Psalter)

Praise ye the Lord in His holy places: * praise ye Him in the firmament of His power. Praise ye Him for His mighty acts: * praise ye Him according to the multitude of His greatness. Praise Him with sound of trumpets: * praise Him with psaltery and harp. Praise Him with timbrel and choir: * praise Him with strings and organs. Praise Him on high sounding cymbals: praise Him on cymbals of joy. * Let every spirit praise the Lord. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, * world without end. Amen. 

Ant. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Friday, April 18, 2014

I Gave Thee The Water Of Salvation From The Rock To Drink: And Thou Hast Given Me Gall And Vinegar

Dolorum (Man of Sorrows) 
c. 1420

V. I gave thee the water of salvation from the rock to drink: and thou hast given Me gall and vinegar. R. O my people, what have I done to thee? or wherein have I afflicted thee? Answer me

The Right Hand Of The Lord Hath Wrought Strength. The Right Hand Of The Lord Hath Exulted Me: I Shall Not Die, But Live: And Shall Declare The Works Of The Lord

Christ Carrying the Cross 

The right hand of the Lord hath wrought strength: the right hand of the Lord hath exulted me: the right hand of the Lord hath wrought strength. I shall not die, but live: and shall declare the works of the Lord.OFFERTORY Ps.117 MASS FOR MAUNDY THURSDAY