Friday, November 5, 2021

Frank Walker Of And The Nationalist Army Of Forerunner To The Antichrist

Rad Trads = Protestant Heretics
Why Can't We Be Like Them?

I have always said that Rad Trad Laymen condemn Religious Ecumenism in the Catholic Clergy but they themselves engage in Political Ecumenism with Protestant Heretics.

So what's wrong for the Catholic Clergy is Ok for Rad Trad Laymen...

I'm beginning to think that this is a teaching of the FSSP: Wrong for Catholic Clergy to engage in Religious Ecumenism but OK for Catholic Laymen to engage in Political Ecumenism.

Just another example of Rad Trads in love with protestant political views.

Frank Walker Of falls in love with a bunch of protestants in Idaho, asking why can't we be like a bunch of protestant heretics? 

Walker has publish a video: Where Is The Catholic Community That Fights Like Christ Church Idaho?

Watch his take on the Protestants Heretics of Moscow starting at 9:38

Also on Canon212 you will find a link to Gloria TV which for some bizarre reason is also in love with the Protestant Heretics in Moscow Idaho:

From the Guardian:

Walker says this sounds like "heaven to me"

I wonder  how long it will be before Michael Matt (with Tears in his eyes) cries out "oh how I wish we were like those glorious protestants heretics of Moscow Idaho!" 

Walker will eventually get what he wants - a political movement made up of Rad Trads, however this will be a Nationalist political movement of the Forerunner to the Antichrist as Our Lady of La Salette warned about:

"A forerunner of the Antichrist, with his troops drawn from many nations, will wage war against the true Christ, sole Savior of the world; he will shed much blood and will seek to annihilate the cult of God so as to be regarded as a god." Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)


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