Sunday, November 28, 2021

Wherein Is Declared That Antichrist Shall Be One Single Man.

CHAP. 1. Wherein is declared that Antichrist shall be one ſingle man. 

THIS IS PROVED by the holy Scriptures & fathers, which treat of Antichrist. John. 5:43 I am come in the name of my father, and ye have not received me, if an other come in his own name him ye will receive. Now that these words are understood of one, single person, which shall be Antichrist, S. Chrysostom and S. Cyril do testify. Who write upon this place, also S. Ambrose upon the 2. to the Thess. 2. verse and S. Augustine in his 29. treatise upon S. John. 

Moreover Christ oppose here unto himself an other man (that is to say) person to person, not kingdom to kingdom, neither sect to sect, as is manifestly clear by these words; I, an other, in my name, in his name, me, him; Therefore as Christ was one single man, so likewise Antichrist shall be one single man, which is against Calvin in his commentaries upon this place, which understandeth it of false prophets in general, and not of any one certain person, 

Also Christ sayeth here that Antichrist shall be received by the Jews for their Messiahs, and it is most evident that they doe expect one certain person. 

Also all the false prophets, did come in the name of another, and not in their own. Jeremiah the 14. cap. 14. vers. 1. The prophets prophesy falsely in my name. I did not send them But our Lord speaketh here of a certain man, which shall come in his own name (to wit) who shall not acknowledge any God, but shall extol  himself ( s ſayth the Apostle) above all that is called God. 

 ANDREW CRYGHTON A Treatise of Antichrist 1620

Of The Catholic Sermon Usually After The Credo. And Of Antichrist Of Whom Are Made Ordinarily The Sermons On Advent Sunday And In All The Time Of Advent.

WOLGEMUT, Michael 
Sermon of the Antichrist 

THE SIXTH CHAP.  Of The Catholic Sermon Usually After The Credo. And Of Antichrist Of Whom Are Made Ordinarily The Sermons On Advent Sunday And In All The Time Of Advent. 

Saint Dionise immediately after the Ascension of Christ taught when the sermon was usually made in his time, saying: Osiulantibus omnibus mistica facrorum volumina, predicatio perficitur. When all have kissed the book after the reading of the Gospel, (which was during the saying Credo)  then the Sermon is made. To which S. Clement, and he also disciple to the Apostle, according in these words: Post lectionem legis & Prophetarum &c. After the lesson of the law, prophets, & the Gospel; alloquatur populum sermonibus exhortatorijs, let him exhort the people by sermon. 

Which being presupposed sufficient to contest the antiquity, and verity of this point: their remaineth only to deliver instead of a sermon, the wonted subject of sermons upon the precedent Gospel of Advent  Sunday. Which being of Antichrist, and nothing more needful to be known, or forewarned then the person, power, and perdition of so Capital enemy of God, god lines, and of all Gods servants; I intend to treat briefly, yet distinctly of what to him may principally belong, by distinct, and several points for more methods sake.

Fr. Fitzsimon 

Friday, November 26, 2021

Archbishop Viganò Forming Nationalist Army Of The Forerunner To The Antichrist To Counter Globalist Alliance

"A forerunner of the Antichrist, with his troops drawn from many nations, will wage war against the true Christ, sole Savior of the world; he will shed much blood and will seek to annihilate the cult of God so as to be regarded as a god." Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)

Forming a Nationalist Army to counter the Globalists

This Nationalist Army of Pope Viganò is the Army of the Forerunner to the Antichrist which will eventually declare war on the Catholic Church and this Army will hunt down and murder Priests and religious and will in the end murder the Fatima Pope and faithful on top a steep Mountain as Our Lady had said at La Salette and Fatima.

This  Nationalist Army of the Forerunner to the Antichrist will be made up of FSSP Priests and laity and other Rad Trads and this Nationalist Army will be lead by FSSP Alexander Tschugguel who is the Foreunner to the Antichrist.

Everything is falling into place.

The timeline given by Our Lady of La Salette & Fatima is as follows:

1. Two Popes. (13 March 2013)
2. Manifestation of the Forerunner to the Antichrist (21 October 2019)
3. Death of Two Popes
4. Start of Thirty Five Years Worth of Chastisements
5. Rise of the Political Power of the Forerunner to the Antichrist
6. Creation of Forerunner's Nationalist Army
7. Persecution of the Catholic Church by the Forerunner and His Nationalist Army
8. The Murder of the Fatima Pope and Faithful on top a Steep Mountain by the Forerunner and his Army.
9. The Rise of the Great Monarch & Great Pontiff (near the end of the 35 year Chastisement)
10. The death of the Forerunner to the Antichrist.

"I didn't see, I don't see any Great Pope or Great Monarch before an extremely great tribulation, horrifying, terrible and general for all Christendom. But before that time, twice there will be a short lived peace; TWO shaky, servile, doubtful popes" Mélanie of La Salette

Friday, November 5, 2021

Frank Walker Of And The Nationalist Army Of Forerunner To The Antichrist

Rad Trads = Protestant Heretics
Why Can't We Be Like Them?

I have always said that Rad Trad Laymen condemn Religious Ecumenism in the Catholic Clergy but they themselves engage in Political Ecumenism with Protestant Heretics.

So what's wrong for the Catholic Clergy is Ok for Rad Trad Laymen...

I'm beginning to think that this is a teaching of the FSSP: Wrong for Catholic Clergy to engage in Religious Ecumenism but OK for Catholic Laymen to engage in Political Ecumenism.

Just another example of Rad Trads in love with protestant political views.

Frank Walker Of falls in love with a bunch of protestants in Idaho, asking why can't we be like a bunch of protestant heretics? 

Walker has publish a video: Where Is The Catholic Community That Fights Like Christ Church Idaho?

Watch his take on the Protestants Heretics of Moscow starting at 9:38

Also on Canon212 you will find a link to Gloria TV which for some bizarre reason is also in love with the Protestant Heretics in Moscow Idaho:

From the Guardian:

Walker says this sounds like "heaven to me"

I wonder  how long it will be before Michael Matt (with Tears in his eyes) cries out "oh how I wish we were like those glorious protestants heretics of Moscow Idaho!" 

Walker will eventually get what he wants - a political movement made up of Rad Trads, however this will be a Nationalist political movement of the Forerunner to the Antichrist as Our Lady of La Salette warned about:

"A forerunner of the Antichrist, with his troops drawn from many nations, will wage war against the true Christ, sole Savior of the world; he will shed much blood and will seek to annihilate the cult of God so as to be regarded as a god." Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)