Updated note: this post was originally published in 2009.
Christopher A. Ferrara is still the same - a shill for modern democracy and distributism.
Fr. Peter Scott is a SSPX priest and I have no problem with the SSPX (never did) however when it comes to this point on the urgent need for a true world authority (i.e. Holy Roman Emperor) if you're against the restoration of the HRE then you're in the camp of the forerunner to the Antichrist even if you're a SSPX priest. I don't play favorites.
John Zmirak. He's hooked himself up with Steve Skojec - need I say more?
Here the original post still stands:
It used to be the Jews that were the most active partisans for the coming of the antichrist. But times have changed, we now see Roman Catholic men taking up the cause for the manifestation of the antichrist and here is the reason why: According to Saint Paul the visible authority of the Roman Emperor hinders the manifestation of the antichrist:
Christopher A. Ferrara is still the same - a shill for modern democracy and distributism.
Fr. Peter Scott is a SSPX priest and I have no problem with the SSPX (never did) however when it comes to this point on the urgent need for a true world authority (i.e. Holy Roman Emperor) if you're against the restoration of the HRE then you're in the camp of the forerunner to the Antichrist even if you're a SSPX priest. I don't play favorites.
John Zmirak. He's hooked himself up with Steve Skojec - need I say more?
Here the original post still stands:
It used to be the Jews that were the most active partisans for the coming of the antichrist. But times have changed, we now see Roman Catholic men taking up the cause for the manifestation of the antichrist and here is the reason why: According to Saint Paul the visible authority of the Roman Emperor hinders the manifestation of the antichrist:
And now you know what withholdeth, that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity already worketh; only that he who now holdeth, do hold, until he be taken out of the way. And then that wicked one shall be revealed whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth; 2Thess2:-8
All Church Fathers except for one, interpret St Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians and his words:
what withholdeth
to mean the authority of the Roman Emperor, once pagan now Roman Catholic.
Here are a few of the Church Fathers on this matter:
"Only there is one that restraineth now, until he be taken out of the way," that is, when the Roman empire is taken out of the way, then he shall come. And naturally. For as long as the fear of this empire lasts, no one will willingly exit himself, but when that is dissolved, he will attack the anarchy, and endeavor to seize upon the government both of man and of God” John Chrysostom Homily 4 on Second Thessalonians ii. 6--9.
“There is also another and a greater necessity for our offering prayer in behalf of the emperors, nay, for the complete stability of the empire, and for Roman interests in general. For we know that a mighty shock impending over the whole earth--in fact, the very end of all things threatening dreadful woes---is only retarded by the continued existence of the Roman empire” Tertullian The Apology Chapter 32
that after the defection and abolition of the Roman Kingdome, antichrist shall come.
St. Ambrose upon 2 Thess. 2
Now the above Church Fathers’ interpretation of St Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians has never been contested or dismissed all these two thousand years. The interpretation of the Church Fathers still stands.
Only the visible authority of the Roman Emperor hinders the manifestation of the antichrist.
So it then stands to reason that if the Church Fathers state that the visible authority of the Roman Emperor hinders the manifestation of the antichrist, then Universal Authority is needed to restore all things in Christ. In order to truly restore all things in Christ, Universal Authority is needed to guide, direct and govern the world. It also stands to reason that if Roman Catholic men want to restore all things in Christ then the best way to do this is by hindering the manifestation of the antichrist. You really can not have both opposing authorities ruling the world at the same time. It is either the Authority of Christ ruling the world or it is the authority of the antichrist ruling the world. It is either-or, not both. Enter Pope Benedict XVI and his call for a True World Political Authority. The following comments are from those partisans for the coming of the antichrist who are dead set against any universal political authority.
Is the pope calling here for a worldwide state, with coercive authority, that will govern all men at once? ….On this point I must say respectfully to His Holiness: Not in this lifetime’ John Zmirak
'Catholics have every right respectfully but vigorously to oppose creation of a "true world political authority' Christopher A. Ferrara Remnant Columnist
‘The most shocking and long-reaching conclusion of this positive promotion of globalization on a human and cultural as well as economic level is the call for an international authority to impose it legally, to enforce in an obligatory manner the dialogue between economies, cultures, religions, and peoples as promoted by this integral humanism…..This means the loss of national sovereignty and any possibility of union between Church and State. It means the establishment of the one world order that Freemasonry has long fought to achieve.’ Fr. Peter Scott
Now the above three partisans for the coming of the antichrist can claim that they indeed are working to restore all things in Christ by hindering the universal kingdom of the antichrist by vigorously opposing Pope Benedict’s call for a True World Political Authority. But the Church Fathers have already spoken on this matter. If you want to hinder the manifestation of the antichrist then there has to be a visible Universal Authority, which according to the Church Fathers is the Universal Authority of the Roman Emperor. But you see these three partisans for the coming of the antichrist never admit the need for the Universal Authority of the Roman Emperor to hinder the manifestation of the antichrist. No, instead these men would rather that there be no Universal Authority of any kind. For them no need for Pope Benedict’s call for a True World Political Authority, and no need for the Universal Authority of the Roman Emperor. Question for you three partisans for the coming of the antichrist just how do you restore all things in Christ without a visible Universal Authority of any kind? Congratulations gentlemen you have out Jewed the Jew.
Originally Posted 30 August 2009
Originally Posted 30 August 2009
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