Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Guerrilla War Exercise To Be Fought Across N Carolina Counties, Army Warns...

“A forerunner of the Antichrist, with his troops gathered from several nations, will fight against the true Christ, the only Saviour of the world. He will shed much blood and will want to annihilate the worship of God to make himself be looked upon as a God. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)

Guerrilla war exercise to be fought across rural North Carolina counties, Army warns 

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — A “realistic” guerrilla war will be fought across two dozen North Carolina counties in the coming weeks, with young soldiers battling seasoned “freedom fighters,” according to the U.S. Army.The two-week “unconventional warfare exercise” will be staged Jan. 22-Feb. 4 on privately owned land. And it will be realistic enough to include the sounds of gunfire (blanks) and flares, the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School said in a news release. Exact times, locations and exercise specifics were not provided. However, advance publicity is intended to make sure civilians — including law enforcement officers — don’t mistake the fighting for terrorism or criminal activity, which has happened in the past. “Residents may hear blank gunfire and see occasional flares. Controls are in place to ensure there is no risk to persons or property,” the warfare center said. “Residents with concerns should contact local law enforcement officials, who will immediately contact exercise control officials. ... For the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, safety is always the command’s top priority during all training events.” Called Robin Sage, the exercise serves as a final test for Special Forces Qualification Course training and it places candidates in a politically unstable country known as Pineland. Source

Officials: Bomb Incidents, Bomb-Making Surge...

“A forerunner of the Antichrist, with his troops gathered from several nations, will fight against the true Christ, the only Saviour of the world. He will shed much blood and will want to annihilate the worship of God to make himself be looked upon as a God. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879) 

Bomb incidents and bomb-making surge in U.S., officials warn 

Wracked by paranoia, in thrall to various conspiracy theories, Anthony Quinn Warner parked a recreational vehicle in the middle of a Nashville tourist district early last Christmas and set off what authorities say was the biggest vehicle bomb explosion inside the U.S. in 25 years. More than 60 buildings were damaged, including a key AT&T cellphone facility, resulting in service cuts across three states. In part because Warner broadcast a warning before the bomb went off at 1:22 am, he was the only person killed. But it was something of a wake-up call for law enforcement. Among the alarming elements was that a lone disturbed individual was able to build, test and detonate such a large and sophisticated device using materials he purchased in retail stores, much like two anti-government radicals did when they blew up a federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995. As part of its response, the Department of Homeland Security has teamed up with the FBI to publicize Operation Flashpoint, the latest version of a longstanding effort by the government to urge local merchants to report suspicious purchases of household materials that can be used to build bombs. It comes as the Department of Justice is reorganizing itself to better fight domestic terrorism. Source 


“A forerunner of the Antichrist, with his troops gathered from several nations, will fight against the true Christ, the only Saviour of the world. He will shed much blood and will want to annihilate the worship of God to make himself be looked upon as a God. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)

Justice Dept. creating unit focused on domestic terrorism

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department is establishing a specialized unit focused on domestic terrorism, the department’s top national security official told lawmakers Tuesday as he described an “elevated” threat from violent extremists in the United States. Assistant Attorney General Matthew Olsen, testifying just days after the nation observed the one-year anniversary of the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, said the number of FBI investigations into suspected domestic violent extremists has more than doubled since the spring of 2020. “We have seen a growing threat from those who are motivated by racial animus, as well as those who ascribe to extremist anti-government and anti-authority ideologies,” Olsen said. The formulation of a new unit underscores the extent to which domestic violent extremism, which for years after the Sept. 11 attacks was overshadowed by the threat of international terrorism, has attracted urgent attention inside the federal government and at the White House. But the issue remains politically freighted and divisive, in part because the absence of a federal domestic terrorism statute has created ambiguities as to precisely what sort of violence meets that definition. The U.S. criminal code defines domestic terrorism as violence intended to coerce or intimidate a civilian population and to influence government policy, but there is no standalone domestic terrorism charge, meaning prosecutors have to rely on other statutes. Olsen’s assessment about growing domestic threats tracked with a warning last March from FBI Director Christopher Wray, who testified that the threat was “metastasizing.” Jill Sanborn, the executive assistant director in charge of the FBI’s national security branch who testified alongside Olsen, said Tuesday the greatest threat comes from lone extremists or small cells who radicalize online and look to carry out violence at so-called “soft targets.” 

“This includes both homegrown violent extremists inspired primarily by foreign terrorist organizations as well as domestic violent extremism,” Sanborn said. The department’s National Security Division, which Olsen leads, has a counterterrorism section. But Olsen told the Senate Judiciary Committee that he has decided to create a specialized domestic terrorism unit “to augment our existing approach” and to “ensure that these cases are properly handled and effectively coordinated” across the country. The partisan divisions around the domestic terrorism terminology were evident during Tuesday’s hearing. Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois, the Democratic chairman of the committee, played video of the Jan. 6 riot at the outset of the hearing and urged everyone on the committee to “use this hearing to explicitly condemn the use or threat of violence to advance political goals.” “It’s a simple request, but sadly a necessary one,” Durbin added. “This committee should speak with a unified voice in saying violence is unacceptable.” Several Republican senators sought to shift focus away from Jan. 6 and asserted that the insurrection had taken away attention from the 2020 rioting that erupted in American cities and grew out of racial justice protests. Sen. Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican, castigated the law enforcement witnesses for what he said were “wildly disparate standards” in the department’s pursuit of suspects in the 2020 rioting and in the Jan. 6 insurrection. Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, the panel’s top Republican, showed video of the 2020 violence as a counter to the Jan. 6 footage that Durbin showed. “Those anti-police riots rocked our nation for seven full months,” Grassley said. The FBI and Justice Department say they treat domestic extremist violence the same regardless of ideology. Sanborn said the FBI has opened more than 800 investigations tied to the 2020 rioting and arrested more than 250 people. Attorney General Merrick Garland said last week that the Justice Department had arrested and charged more than 725 people for their alleged roles in the Jan. 6 attack. Source

The Women In Baron Alexander Von Tschuguell's Life: Brittany Sellner....

“A forerunner of the Antichrist, with his troops gathered from several nations, will fight against the true Christ, the only Saviour of the world. He will shed much blood and will want to annihilate the worship of God to make himself be looked upon as a God.  Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)

Spot the two CIA babysitters.....actually there's more than two..nice neck tat...I count three men and one chick...


1. Two Popes. (13 March 2013)
2. Manifestation of the Forerunner to the Antichrist (21 October 2019)
3. Death of Two Popes (_ _ / _ _ / 2022)
4. Start of Thirty Five Years Worth of Chastisements (_ _ / _ _ / 2022)
5. Rise of the Political Power of the Forerunner to the Antichrist (_ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _)
6. Creation of Forerunner's Nationalist Army (_ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _)
7. Persecution of the Catholic Church by the Forerunner and His Nationalist Army(_ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _)
8. The Murder of the Fatima Pope and Faithful on top a Steep Mountain by the Forerunner and his Army.
9. The Rise of the Great Monarch & Great Pontiff (near the end of the 35 year Chastisement)
10. The death of the Forerunner to the Antichrist.


"I didn't see, I don't see any Great Pope or Great Monarch before an extremely great tribulation, horrifying, terrible and general for all Christendom. But before that time, twice there will be a short lived peace; TWO shaky, servile, doubtful popes" Mélanie


“The great chastisement will come, because men will not be converted; yet it is only their conversion that can hinder these scourges. God will begin to strike men by inflicting lighter punishments in order to open their eyes; then He will stop, or may repeat His former warnings to give place for repentance. But sinners will not avail themselves of these opportunities; He will, in consequence, send more severe castigations, anxious to move sinners to repentance, but all in vain. Finally, the obduracy of sinners shall draw upon their heads the greatest and most terrible calamities. Mélanie

“We are all guilty! Penance is not done, and sin increases daily. Those who should come forward to do good are retained by fear. Evil is great. A moderate punishment serves only to irritate the spirits, because they view all things with human eyes. God could work a miracle to convert and change the aspect of the earth without chastisement. God will work a miracle; it will be a stroke of His mercy; but after the wicked shall have inebriated themselves with blood, the scourge shall arrive Mélanie

“What countries shall be preserved from such calamities? Where shall we go for refuge? I, in my turn, shall ask, What is the country that observes the commandments of God? What country is not influenced by human fear where the interest of the Church and the glory of God are at stake? (Ah, indeed! What country, what nation upon earth?) In behalf of my Superior and myself, I have often asked myself where we could go for refuge, had we the means for the journey and for our subsistence, on condition that no person were to know it? But I renounce these useless thoughts. We are very guilty! In consequence of this, it is necessary that a very great and terrible scourge should come to revive our faith, and to restore to us our very reason, which we have almost entirely lost. Mélanie

Victim of Jesus nee MELANIE CALVAT,
Shepherdess of La Salette

"I protest highly against a different text, which people may dare publish after my death. I protest once more against the very false statements of all those who dare say and write First that I embroidered the Secret; second, against those who state that the Queen Mother did not say to transmit the Secret to all her people." Mélanie

Cause Of Kazakhstan Chaos: Pachamama Idol? Or Manifestation Of The Forerunner To The Antichrist - Baron Alexander von Tschugguel?

Baron Alexander von Tschugguel + Bishop Athanasius Schneider

“A forerunner of the Antichrist, with his troops gathered from several nations, will fight against the true Christ, the only Saviour of the world. He will shed much blood and will want to annihilate the worship of God to make himself be looked upon as a God.  Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)

Bishop Athanasius Schneider:

Born: April 7, 1961 (age 60 years), Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan
Diocese: Mary Most Holy in Astana Nur-Sultan (Astana) Kazakhstan.
Appointed: 5 February 2011

Chaos began in Kazakhstan on 2 January 2022. Athanasius Schneider is the Bishop of Astana Nur-Sultan (Astana) Kazakhstan. Nur-Sultan is the capital of Kazakhstan. Almaty is the largest city in Kazakhstan.  Kazakhstan borders Kyrgyzstan, where Athanasius Schneider was born.  Tokmok is about a 4 hour drive to the chaos in Almaty.  So the chaos is close to the Bishop (if he is even in Nur-Sultan or in Tokmok - he seems to spend more time in the West than he does at home in Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan or Nur-Sultan (Astana) Kazakhstan )

Remember when FSSP Rad Trad Influencers blamed a dumb block of wood for causing Covid, causing the Lockdowns, closing Catholic Churches and causing riots in America?

Remember that?

Remember when you FSSP numskulls blamed everything on a dumb block of wood

Are you still blaming a dumb block of wood for every bad thing that happens in the world?

So is Pachamama to blame as well for the chaos in Kazakhstan?

Did a dumb block of wood take a trip to  Kazakhstan and stir up trouble?

I bet none of you think that a dumb block of wood caused the chaos in Kazakhstan.

Their is evil afoot in Kazakhstan. And it was not caused by a dumb block of wood.


As I said before that when Baron Alexander von Tschugguel manifested himself to the world that I immediately thought that Alexander might be the Forerunner to the Antichrist. And this Forerunner to the Antichrist will spread chaos wherever he goes. 

Now I don't know if Bishop Athanasius Schneider invited Alexander to Kazakhstan  but I do know that the Bishop is a friend of the Forerunner to the Antichrist and was in the company of the Forerunner on many occasions.

The above photo of the Bishop and the Forerunner is just one occasion.

When the actual Antichrist appears then chaos will ensue.

So it is with his forerunner.

Baron Alexander von Tschugguel is the Forerunner to the Antichrist 
Dr Taylor Marshall is his False Prophet

The M A R K of Cain

K I L L I N G machines

Like a MO T H to a Flame

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Predictions 2022: Baron Alexander Von Tschugguel Will Declare Himself The Great Monarch

“A forerunner of the Antichrist, with his troops gathered from several nations, will fight against the true Christ, the only Saviour of the world. He will shed much blood and will want to annihilate the worship of God to make himself be looked upon as a God. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)