Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Meditation On How To Recognize The Hypocrisy Of Gary Michael Voris That He Might Bare All The Sway: TIME TO ENLIST?

Christ with the Four Evangelists 
GOSPEL Matt. 5:20-24 
At that time, Jesus said to His disciples: "Unless your justice abound more than that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. You have heard that it was said to them of old: 'Thou shalt not kill.' And whosoever shall kill, shall be in danger of the judgment. But I say to you, that whosoever is angry with his brother, shall be in danger of the judgment. And whosoever shall say to his brother, 'Raca,' shall be in danger of the council. And whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. If therefore thou offer thy gift at the altar, and there thou remember that thy brother hath anything against thee; Leave there thy offering before the altar, and go first to be reconciled to thy brother, and then coming thou shalt offer thy gift."
See Gary Voris post here and ask yourself is not Gary Voris trying his best to bare all the sway? Is not the defender of wicked Pope Francis giving the appearance of purity so that everyone will follow him?

Then meditate on this:

Fifth Sunday After Pentecost The Gospel Matt.5.v.20 Sunday Meditation: A Plaine Path-way To Heaven Thomas Hill 1634 

Sunday Meditation

The Philosopher sayth that contrary things set together,show themselves the better what they are: wherefore because Christ here in the Gospel speaketh of two contraries, to wit the false and counterfeit Justice of the Pharisees, and the true Justice which he requireth of us now under the new law; I will describe the justice of the Pharisees, that we may see the justice of Christ the more plainly thereby.

Immediately before this Gospel, Christ had said to his disciples,Let your light shine before men,that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven; And again,I came not to break but to fulfill the law: The Scribes, and the Pharisees being accounted of the people more religious then the rest, gave themselves to this doctrine of Christ more precisely, and otherwise then he meant.

Christ meant, we should do our good works principally for the love & honor of God,and not desire to have them seen of men to glorify ourselves thereby,but to glorify God, and that others might do the like; but they did all their works,as Christ said of them, publicly to purchase glory to themselves and to their own private ends, they made clean the outside of the dish or platter, but the inside they left foul.

They Tithed mint and rew, and such small things very precisely and scrupulously,but for the greater Tithes they made no scruple to detain; they would strain at a gnat, as the Proverb is, and swallow a Camel; in a word, they were such as hunted altogether for the praise and applause of the people, being secretly men of ill life, and corrupt doctrine, to serve their own ends, of pride,riches, and ambition; and these were they that were most apt to carp at Christ, for every little trifle, to keep him under, that they might bare all the sway: They would carp at the disciples, for not washing their hands before meat,at their rubbing a little corn out of the ears between their hands upon the Sabbath day,to eat, as they traveled upon the way,being hungry, caviling at them as if they had broken the Sabbath day with servile labor in rubbing the corn out of the ears; at Christ, for curing the sick upon the Sabbath day, for conversing with publicans and sinners for their conversion,and the like niceties of their own hatching,as though they were the only pure guides of the people,putting the whole Sum of their religion,in outward shows of piety and purity: and these men by their outward carriage, for their own ends and interest, not seeking the things of God, but themselves,and their own,did so insinuate themselves into the favor of the people,as Josephus a man of their own Sect and nation testifieth,and made their faction so strong,that if they opposed against Princes, or the high Bishops,whether their cause were right or wrong, they would take part with them:and what do I speak of Princes and high Bishops, and bring Josephus for a witness? we all know , they were so prevalent,and potent with the people of the Jews,that they brought them to prefer a murderer even before Christ, and to cry out with one voice, to have him crucified,whom of themselves they honored as a holy Prophet, & would have made him their king.

Of these kind of people it was that Christ admonished us, that are Catholics,if any amongst us are like unto them, ( as no doubt there are too many) that we beware carefully, we be not transported,& carried away with their outward shows, to beware not only of the leaven of their hypocrisy in life,but also in doctrine serving thereunto (the pharisees being culpable in both) telling us here, that is to say, all manner of virtue and honesty in general (for so the Philosopher sayth,Justice is to be taken) do exceed that of the pharisees, we cannot enter into the Kingdom of heaven.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Imagine What Would Happen If The Vortex Stopped? Every Thing Would Cease To Exist, Us Too! Laudato Si Is Creating New Churches To Serve Evil Spirits

“Evil books will be abundant on earth and the sprits of darkness will spread everywhere a universal slackening of all that concerns the service of God. They will have great power over Nature: there will be churches built to serve these spirits. People will be transported from one place to another by these evil spirits, even priests, for they will not have been guided by the good spirit of the Gospel which is a spirit of humility, charity and zeal for the glory of God. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)

Mundabor Warns Those Sucked Into The Vortex Of Gary Michael Voris.....The Bride Of Christ Is Being Raped

The Bride of Christ is being raped. For the first time in the history of Christianity, the pope leads the rapists. (See also here) Newspapers and other news outlets witness the rape, and call it holy. The entire world will soon be applauding.

No generation before us has seen such an open attack on the very basics of Christianity, led by the very top of those who should defend it.

The rapists had tried a surprise attack on the Bride in October 2014. It did not work. Now, led by the pope, the rapists try again. This time, the strategy is different: to put heresy into the world as either a point of legitimate discussion, or either – as the despicable RAI article linked above does – as a fait accompli, a change in the praxis of the Church already in place.

The rapists have many accomplices, and many more will they gather on their way to the Synod: from the sycophants of all types to the dissenters of the Church of every colour, they have now launched a massive attack against the Bride.

The Bride of Christ is being raped. What will our bishops, what will our Cardinals do? Is there any one of them still interested in his salvation?

Make no mistake: we will now assist to a massive media barrage, meant to flatten all resistance and to present the heresy as change, as evolving teaching.

May these bastards all go to hell if they die unrepentant – and yes, I wish them repentance; only the scale of the iniquity I see at play here makes it impossible for me to believe it will become a reality for more than very rare exceptions -, it is little consolation when we see the Bride raped, under our very eyes, amidst the cheers of the world.

What times we are living. Those who died last year have been luckier than us.

We, who have lived to see this mess, must wonder how many souls will be lost, and resolve with more determination than ever that our soul, our soul will not be among them. Let entire worlds crush around us: we will stay firm in what the Church has always taught us. We will live and die believing in what our forefathers have believed.

The Bride of Christ is being raped. This unspeakable disgrace, Jorge Bergoglio, will undoubtedly live in infamy for all the centuries to come. May he, if he die unrepentant, burn in hell forever, together with the demons to whom he is prostituting himself. May all those who help him – if they die unrepentant; if they die unrepentant! – suffer with him in eternity for what they are doing.

The scale of evil we are witnessing would have been barely imaginable merely years ago. But on this saddest of days since Bergoglio was elected, we must recognise that Bergoglio is but the metastasis of a cancer that was started with Vatican II. A stupid generation has started the cancer, their sons and nephews must now cope with the metastasis. The price to pay must be horrible, and we are most certainly being punished in the most just of ways, by a most just God, for the iniquity of the last 50 years.

The Bride of Christ is being raped. The pope himself leads the rapists. He has no fear of the Lord. He is a miserable scoundrel, unworthy not only of his white habit, but of being called a Christian. He is the enemy of Christ and the enemy of all of us. If you do not see the depth of the abyss in which Francis wants to lead you the smell of Reprobation is very strong in you, and I truly do not see how, bar a great help from the Holy Ghost, you can hope to attain salvation.

And yes, he is the Pope. Of course he is. Are you blind, that you cannot see who is Pope? Are you stupid, that you cannot see what he is doing? Are you a little child, escaping in a fantasy world in which you can just wish a bad pope away?

Look at reality as it is. The pope is a puppet of Satan. This is the extent of the punishment God is inflicting on us.

On this saddest day since the beginning of his pontificate, Francis has started his battle of Kursk, and there can be no doubt the anticipated attack is the prelude to months of pounding, cajoling, threatening, corrupting, promising, deceiving, and prostituting. Worms of all sorts will come out of the woodwork. People you thought faithful will prove corrupt. People you knew corrupt will prove rotten beyond imagination.

The Bride of Christ is being raped. Be the nice guy as you assist to the rape, and you might well pay the price in eternity. As you well should, as you should one thousand times if you die unrepentant.

I am fed up with these nice guys. From now on there will be only friends and enemies. Either you take a stance against the Rape of the Bride, or you are an enemy. No Cardinal can call himself out. No bishop. No priest.

Some of the traitors will, in time, repent. But it is an extremely reasonable, common sense observation that most of those who do not speak out now will not repent and will therefore – unless Christianity is a joke – face hell forever. It is terrifying only to think of how many they will be, at all level of clergy and laity. It is terrifying. Pray with increased strength now for those most dears to you. In this great shipwreck, let us try to at least save our dearests.

The Bride of Christ is being raped. We can’t simply stand by and watch. Christ did not come to bring peace. He came with a sword. It was not given to our generation to fight and die with a sword, but when you die you will be asked what you have done with your keyboard and with your tongue; what you have done with your families, and with your friends – and yes, you will lose some of the friends, and perhaps of the family; but hey, think of what they run the risk of losing… -, whether you chose to be a Crusader or a Nice Guy.

Look at the guy in the illustration above. There were many like him. Countless died in the service of Truth. In the next months you will witness countless attacks to Truth; you will witness the pope leading the charge with barely disguised “neutrality”. You will witness countless prostitutes and Grima Wormtongues telling us how good it is that Francis promotes “dialogue”, and unspeakable heresy and sacrilege are now deemed worthy of “discussion”. They will have their reward.

But you, my dear reader, you will stand firm in the Truth like the Rock of Gibraltar. Let those burn who want to. Let the little whores of the world sell themselves to it. Countless bishops, cardinals, priests will be among them. By the grace of God, you and I will not be of that number, and will be insulted by a mad planet rather than do what is really insane: betray the Truth.

The Bride of Christ is being raped. I cry out to the angels that they may see my tears. I cry out to the Lord that he may free us of this absolutely obscene, blasphemous spectacle, and may put an end to the suffering of those who still care for the bride of Christ. I cannot bear to see the Bride raped in front of our eyes by a bunch of satanic criminals. I cannot bear to know, to see every day that the pope himself is leading the rape. I cannot bear to think of the apocalyptic scale of the punishment that must be in store for humanity, if the Lord allows such things to happen.

Never have we witnessed such times. A pope as The Bride’s Lead Rapist had never been inflicted on us; not even in the times of worst corruption, in the dark ages of Benedict IX or Formosus. This certainly must exceed the Arian Crisis in the degree of devastation, as the Pope officially leads a full-scale attack of the Deposit of Faith and the Sacraments.

Prayer and penance. Penance and prayer. Be ready for everything. Whatever happens, never lose faith. Whatever happens, keep fighting. Whatever happens, hold to what all generations before us have believed. What a consolation, to have sixty and more generations of Christians before us, who have held to the Truth! What an encouragement to know of the poor Christians in the worst times of the Arian crisis! Because of them, we are stronger.

And we have the great promise of Indefectibility. Christianity in the West may well be crushed – and at this point, who would say it did not deserve it? -, but the Church will survive and emerge victorious, and more glorious, from every challenge.

It may be our lot never to see that day in our lifetime. Let us act so that we enjoy that day after we have died.

Pray the Lord that he may free us from Francis and those like him. Pray for it every day. Pray it when you get up in the morning, when you go about your business during the day, and before you go to sleep in the evening.

Pray this prayer every day, so that you may find the serenity to sleep; to sleep as the Bride of Christ is being raped, and the Pope leads the rapists.


Don't Get Sucked Into The Vortex..........

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What Does The Forerunner To The Antichrist & Gary Busey Have In Common? They Both Have A Full Head Of Hair!

And Their Faces Were as the faces of men 
And they had hair as the hair of women
I saw a star (POPE FRANCIS)  fall from heaven upon the earth, and there was given to him the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit: and the smoke of the pit arose, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke of the pit. And from the smoke of the pit there came out locusts upon the earth. And power was given to them, as the scorpions of the earth have power: And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, nor any green thing, nor any tree: but only the men who have not the sign of God on their foreheads. And it was given unto them that they should not kill them; but that they should torment them five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion when he striketh a man. And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle: and on their heads were, as it were, crowns like gold: and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women; and their teeth were as lions: And they had breastplates as breastplates of iron, and the noise of their wings was as the noise of chariots and many horses running to battle. And they had tails like to scorpions. Apoc.
What does the forerunner to the Antichrist and Gary Busey have in common?

Well they both have a full head of hair:

And they both share the name Gary.

Granted Gary Busey's first name is William but he goes by Gary.

And Voris first name is Gary but he goes by Michael.

Still the similarities are so uncanny its scary! And they are both clowns in their own right!

Mike Voris Is A Locust That Rose Up Out From The Smoke Of The Pit That Had Faces Of Men & Tails Like To Scorpions

And Their Faces Were as the faces of men
I saw a star (POPE FRANCIS)  fall from heaven upon the earth, and there was given to him the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit: and the smoke of the pit arose, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke of the pit. And from the smoke of the pit there came out locusts upon the earth. And power was given to them, as the scorpions of the earth have power: And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, nor any green thing, nor any tree: but only the men who have not the sign of God on their foreheads. And it was given unto them that they should not kill them; but that they should torment them five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion when he striketh a man. Apoc.
Confused about Voris?

Don't be - he operates like all heretics operate.

Read the description of the locust those rose up from out of the pit:
And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle: and on their heads were, as it were, crowns like gold: and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women; and their teeth were as lions: And they had breastplates as breastplates of iron, and the noise of their wings was as the noise of chariots and many horses running to battle. And they had tails like to scorpions
Just two points:

The Locust had faces of men - meaning fair words - using words from scripture to fool the unwary and to trap many into their error. Voris is a master in using Scripture and Church Doctrine to hook those who are weak in faith. It is very difficult to find any error in the way that Voris uses Scripture and Catholic Doctrine - he is solid according to Traditionalists.

The Locust had tails like to scorpions - meaning the poison of error, corrupted doctrine that leads one to hell. And this is where Voris is exposed as one of the Locust from the smoke of the pit - Voris has already hooked many by his fair words and now Voris will strike with his Scorpion tail.

And what is this Scorpion tail? You should know. It is the defense of a Heretical Pope - Pope Francis.
Voris defends the heresy of a wicked pope:

(1) By counsel;
(2) By command;
(3) By consent;
(4) By provocation;
(5) By praise or flattery;
(6) By concealment;
(7) By partaking;
(8) By silence;
(9) By defense of the ill done.

You have just been stung by Voris Scorpion tail

Gary Mike Voris Blames The Church For Dialoguing With The World! Voris Refuses To Blame The Dialoguing Pope Francis!!

Spongebob Square Pants & Gary

Did you know that Michael Voris' real first name is Gary? Well it is.

There is no Saint Gary.

Latest from the forerunner to the Antichrist Gary Mike Voris: THE VORTEX—SHUT UP ALREADY
A great naïveté swept over the Church some centuries ago and remains today. GMV
What? for 200 years or more? Where does Gary Voris get that the church has been dialoguing with the world for the last 200 years?

Gary's Vortex is about dialogue, Gary mentions the word Dialogue nineteen times! Gary does not utter the name Francis once. not once. Voris ignores the dialoguing Pope Francis. Why? Why does Gary continue to lay the blame on the one responsible for the current crisis - Pope Francis?

This should make one shudder in horror knowing that a man who has thousands of followers on the internet is hiding the sinful destructive activity of a mad man.

Of course the brainwashed followers of Gary will point to the covering of Noah by his sons. This of course is an abuse of scripture. There is a big difference between holy Noah and wicked Pope Francis. To compare Pope Francis with Noah is wicked in itself.

Who would've thought that the forerunner to the Antichrist would have the first name of GARY


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Paul Anthony Melanson Of La Salette Journey Denies That There Will Be A Forerunner To The Antichrist

“A forerunner of the Antichrist, with his troops gathered from several nations, will fight against the true Christ, the only Saviour of the world. He will shed much blood and will want to annihilate the worship of God to make himself be looked upon as a God. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)
OK if you are a student of Our Lady of La Salette and have read Her message then you know that there will be a forerunner to the Antichrist well before the manifestation of the actual Antichrist.

That is if you are a serious student of the message of Our Lady of La Salette.

In this one point no slack is given. There will be a Forerunner to the Antichrist before the manifestation of the Actual Antichrist.

Why would a student of the message of La Salette deny that there will be a forerunner to the Antichrist?

Here is Paul Anthony Melanson Of La Salette Journey denies that there will be a forerunner to the Antichrist:
As I said in a post several years ago, "A false prophet, a Pope who is controlled by Satan, will prepare the world for the appearance of the Man of Sin.
The man of sin is a title given to the Actual Antichrist. Not his forerunner. Melanson should know this.

More language from Melanson hinting at the Actual Antichrist:
And now the atheistic humanists who promise us a utopia of "freedom" and "love" have infiltrated to the highest levels of the Mystical Body of Christ and are using any and all means of hate-filled propaganda in a demonic attempt to change the perennial teaching of the Church founded by Jesus Christ and to deliver it into the service of the serpent serpent. 
I have no idea who Melanson's Dark Man is:
 The Remnant Church prepares for the Catacombs as the Dark Man* nears. *John 5:43.
Because the actual passage reads:
I am come in the name of my Father, and you receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him you will receive.
So I have no idea where  Melanson gets his 'dark man'. Of course Melanson is referring to the Actual Antichrist not his forerunner.

You can even join Melanson on Twitter Paul Melanson @AntichristWatch. Mind you can not join Paul Melanson @ForerunnertotheAntichristWatch. No, to men like Melanson there will be no slick forerunner to the Antichrist, just some blatantly obvious Actual Antichrist that will fool no one.

Why does Melanson ignore the coming manifestation of the forerunner to the Antichrist?

Damage control.

The man who earns the title of forerunner to the Antichrist will kill the Fatima Pope as foretold by Our Lady of Fatima:
The third part of the secret revealed at the Cova da Iria-Fatima, on 13 July 1917. 
I write in obedience to you, my God, who command me to do so through his Excellency the Bishop of Leiria and through your Most Holy Mother and mine. 
After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendour that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: ‘Penance, Penance, Penance!'. And we saw in an immense light that is God: ‘something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it' a Bishop dressed in White ‘we had the impression that it was the Holy Father'. Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions. Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God. 
The forerunner to the Antichrist will build up an army of like minded men who are from many Nations. The army will be Nationalistic in politics. This army lead by the forerunner to the Antichrist will kill the Fatima Pope.

But men like Paul Anthony Melanson do not want the man who is the forerunner to the Antichrist to be labeled as forerunner to Antichrist before the killing of the Fatima Pope. Men like Paul Anthony Melanson will protect the 'good' name of this forerunner. The forerunner will be looked upon as a man of purity. Mike Voris is an example of a man who wants to looked upon as a man pure in doctrine and morals. This is how a man like Voris can raise an army made up from men of many nations. Voris will draw all things to himself.  Melanson will do everything in is power to protect Voris.

This is why Melanson wants you to focus on the manifestation of the Actual Antichrist. Face it - every last one of you knows deep in your heart that you would never be fooled by the Actual Antichrist who will according to you be so blatantly a man of sin that you would see the Actual Antichrist coming a mile away.

Well that's not how things work.

The forerunner to the Actual Antichrist be appear as an angel of light. Someone who gives the appearance of purity itself.  Some one who will hate the SSPX so much that one day he with his army will one day kill the Fatima Pope a man who is from the ranks of the SSPX.

Mike Voris fits the bill.

Many of you will defend the 'good' name of Voris many of you will do this by denying the reality of a coming forerunner to the Antichrist.

See you on top a steep mountain some day....

Mike Voris On Purity Of The Faith? Defending A Wicked Pope Is A Great Imperfection Mars Her Beauty Beyond Telling, Disfigures Her

Catholicism — the Faith — is so pure that even the slightest imperfection mars Her beauty beyond telling, disfigures Her. We must fight for Her beauty.THE VORTEX—DAMNED IN THE BODY
Notice that Mike Voris is 99% orthodox this is where is draws everyone in - but there is that 1% rat poison mixed in,  and that's what will kill you. Granted defending a wicked Pope is a major error which should make one take heed when he sees the error in another, but most don't care and look the other way when Voris defends a heretical Pope.

What does Voris want to achieve? Simple. Voris wants to be looked upon as someone who is pure in faith. 100% pure - Voris wants to be looked upon as if he were God:
“A forerunner of the Antichrist, with his troops gathered from several nations, will fight against the true Christ, the only Saviour of the world. He will shed much blood and will want to annihilate the worship of God to make himself be looked upon as a God. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)
For whatever reason Voris knows that he can get away with defending Heretical Pope Francis and still be considered as 100% PURE.

Here is William of Ockham on the defenders of a Heretical Pope.


Student: Were you to provide arguments in support of each and every aforewritten assertion, I fear that you would create for readers a boring prolongation of the discussion. I therefore turn to defenders of heretical wickedness. Concerning these, I request that you state what punishment should be the lot of those who are defenders of heretical wickedness, whether they defend heretical wickedness by prohibiting opponents of this wickedness from attacking it (namely by inflicting persecution and harm upon them for attacking the heretical wickedness staining a heretic pope), or by incinerating the scripts of their catholic allegations against the errors of a heretic pope, or by maliciously preventing these scripts (by whatever means) from coming to the notice of others.

Master: It appears to certain thinkers that these are indeed the methods whereby a person infected by heretical wickedness is defended. Some hold as to this defense that such defenders of a heretic pope sin no less than the heretic pope himself, nor ought they to suffer a lesser punishment. In fact, they say that such defenders are to be considered heretics. Because, just as it is possible to lie by deed according to Ambrose (we have this in 22 q. ultima c. Cavete), [22 q. 5 c. 20, col. 888] so is it possible to consent to heresy and to assert it by one's action. Consequently, someone may be shown to be an obvious heretic by his acts, without reference to words. Therefore the aforesaid defenders of heretical wickedness are to be viewed as heretics, and are to suffer the punishment of heretics, a contention apparently capable of being proved in many ways. For Pope Urban seemingly feels as much when he states (as we read in 24 q. 3. c. Qui aliorum): "he who defends the error of others is to be condemned much more than they who err, for he is not only himself in error, but also prepares and confirms stumbling blocks of errors for others. Hence, being a teacher of error, he is not only a heretic, but must also be labeled a heresiarch". [col. 999] One gathers from these words that defenders of errors are to be reckoned heretics, and are to be condemned more than those who err. Therefore an equal punishment is also to be inflicted upon them.

Student: This authority seems to be irrelevant, for it speaks of those who defend errors by arguing in their favour either verbally or in writing. This is clear enough, since the authority states that he "prepares and confirms stumbling blocks of error for others", and also by the fact that it states that he "is a teacher of error". These descriptions seem to pertain to arguments in favour of errors, and do not apply to those who impede, persecute, or do harm to individuals opposing the errors, nor to those who destroy critical scripts or prevent them from being published among catholics.

Master: The response is that your point is worthless. For although the aforesaid authority of Urban must be understood of those who argue pertinaciously, verbally or in writing, in support of the errors of others, it must nonetheless also be understood of those who defend the errors of others by deed, in that those who defend the errors of others by deed in the ways described appear to be committing a more serious sin than those who merely argue in support of these errors. Indeed, those who defend by action (in the ways described) the errors of a heretic pope, are known to be sinning directly against both God and their neighbour. For they prevent the manifestation of catholic truth, and also do serious injury to the very opponents of heretical wickedness, in that they inflict harm upon their persons, and besmirch their reputation by dealing outrageously with their catholic allegations. On the other hand, those who presume to argue pertinaciously in support of the errors of others merely verbally or in writing, only appear to be committing a sin against God. And therefore, if those who defend by merely arguing in support of errors are more to be condemned than those who err, then all the more those who, in order to support and defend errors, cruelly persecute the opponents of errors and besmirch the latter's reputation by dealing outrageously and abusively with their catholic arguments, should receive a greater condemnation than those who err (if they only adopt the error and do nothing else besides). When one states, however, that Urban is speaking of someone who prepares and confirms stumbling blocks of error for others, and of someone who is a master of error (two characteristics which only apply to individuals who argue in support of error), the answer is that both of these characteristics may in some manner be applicable to those who persecute the opponents of errors, and to those who destroy the scripted allegations against errors. For such an individual may be said to prepare stumbling blocks of error to others in some fashion, and to confirm these in so far as he removes the factors which prohibit error. Indeed, sometimes one who removes prohibitions may be called the cause of what ensues. He may also in some sense be termed a master of errors to the extent that he in fact teaches and demonstrates that errors are to be professed.

Student: Bring forth other arguments in support of the main contention.

Master: Isidore appears to witness in its favour when he states (we have it in 11 q. 3 c. Qui consentit peccantibus): "he who gives his consent to sinners, and defends another who is committing a crime, will be cursed before God and men, and subjected to the most severe reprobation. This is where a most holy father says: 'if someone defends a sinner he will be punished more forcefully than the one who commits the sin' [St Basil, Regulae breviores, regula 7]". [col. 671] One gathers from these words that he who defends a heretic pope by persecuting his opponents and their arguments by imputing the crime of heresy to them, must be punished more forcefully than the heretic pope.

Student: This authority only speaks of one who defends a criminal, and not of a defender of heretical wickedness, and thus it seems irrelevant to the contention.

Master: The answer is that when it speaks generally of someone who defends a criminal, it must also be understood of someone who defends the heresy held by the pope, for it is a greater or no lesser a sin to defend iniquity, when he who commits it would require to be defended if there were no iniquity involved.

Student: May it be proved otherwise that such defenders of heresies in which a heretic pope is involved must suffer the punishment of heretics.

Master: It seems that one may prove this as follows. Those who consent are to suffer the same penalty as those who commit the act, a point which appears above all as needing to be understood of those who consent by providing defense or even by providing authority. This seems attested by the gloss to Extra, De officio et potestate iudicis delegati, c. 1 [c. Quia quaesitum, col. 158] which states: "in the fourth instance of authority or defense, he who consents by defending and by providing authority commits a greater sin than the doer of the act, and must receive a greater punishment, 24 q. 3 c. Qui aliorum, and 11 q. 3 c. Qui consentit". [s.v. pari pena, col. 327] Therefore those who defend heretical wickedness in the ways described must suffer the penalty of heretics.

Student: I have listened to the opinion of some concerning those who defend heretical wickedness by their actions. Now speak of those who defend the erroneous doctrine of a heretic pope verbally or in writing.

Master: One briefly states about these individuals that, if the erroneous doctrine of the pope is such, that they who attempt to defend the pope's erroneous doctrine only by spoken or written arguments are bound to believe it explicitly, then these defenders are to be numbered among the heretics, because everyone who denies a truth which he is bound to believe explicitly is to be numbered among the heretics, and must suffer the penalty of heretics. If, however, the erroneous doctrine of the pope is such that those who argue in support of it are not bound to explicitly believe the contrary truth, then they who merely defend it by spoken or written arguments are not to be adjudged heretics, nor must they suffer the punishment of heretics, unless it somehow appears that they are pertinaciously attached to their arguments. And the manner whereby they may be convicted of pertinacity should be clear from the points we treated earlier in Book Four.

Student: It seems to me that it follows from this proposition that some of those who argue verbally or in writing on behalf of the erroneous doctrine of the pope are to be reckoned heretics, while others remain free of heretical wickedness.

Master: It is conceded that this may be the case. For it may happen that some are bound to explicitly believe a truth which contradicts the pope's erroneous doctrine, and others are not bound to believe this truth explicitly. And some may adhere to their arguments with pertinacity while others may not. That is why, in order to know who among those arguing verbally or in writing in favour of the heretic pope's doctrine are to be reputed heretics and who are not to be numbered among the heretics, it is expedient to examine with utmost attention who are bound to believe the contrary truth explicitly, and who are not bound to do this, and which of them are pertinacious, and which cannot be convicted of pertinacity.

Student: Must we reckon as defenders of heretical wickedness those who would argue in support of the heretic pope's heretical doctrine if they are not bound to explicitly believe the contrary doctrine and cannot be convicted of pertinacity.

Master: The answer is that on the precise legal interpretation of the expression "defender of heretical wickedness", they ought not to be so called, because the term "defender" in its legal acception always involves evidence of pertinacity.

Student: If these statements about defenders are true, there exists an obvious distinction between defenders of heretics and defenders of heretical wickedness. But I do not know whether it is possible to derive this distinction from canonical decisions. Hence, do explain what might be said concerning this point.

Master: The possibility of deriving this distinction from canonical statutes may apparently be proved in the following manner. In some canonical statutes defenders are distinguished from heretics, while in others defenders are called heretics. Therefore it seems that the term "defenders" or "defending" has an equivocal contextual meaning. We now prove the premises of this syllogism as to both of its parts. And initially we prove the first part as follows. Innocent III speaks thus in a general council (as we read in Extra, De hereticis, c. Excommunicamus 1): "as to believers, receivers, defenders, and abettors of heretics, we decreed that they were subject to excommunication, and we firmly ordered that after any of them has been declared excommunicated, if he scorns to offer appropriate satisfaction within one year, from that moment he should by force of law be deemed to have been disgraced, and is not to be permitted to exercise public offices, nor to offer counsel as to such, nor to elect others to such offices, nor to testify in court. He will also not be allowed to have a legal will, etc." [col. 788] One gathers from these words that defenders of heretics do not incur penalties which heretics suffer instantly and immediately, unless they fail to offer due satisfaction within one year. For the properties of defenders of heretics, as appears to be clearly inferred from the cited words of Innocent as well as from other words which follow, are not to be confiscated for a whole year, if they offer appropriate satisfaction within one year after having been declared excommunicated. While the properties of heretics can or must be confiscated even if they return to the truth of faith within one year, witness the same Innocent III, who states, as we read in Extra, De hereticis, c. Vergentis: "but in lands subject to our temporal jurisdiction, we proclaim that the properties of heretics be confiscated. And in other lands we order that the same be decreed by secular princes and authorities. Should these authorities happen to be negligent in the matter, we desire and command that they be compelled by ecclesiastical censure, without provision for an appeal, to carry these provisions through. Nor should their properties revert to heretics in the future, unless someone voluntarily takes pity upon them when they experience a change of heart and reject the company of heretics". [col. 783] We gather from these words that, as states the gloss on the word "misereri": "it is therefore solely from compassion that properties are returned" [col. 1675] to heretics who experience a change of heart, and give appropriate satisfaction either within a year or subsequently. In contrast, defenders are not to lose their properties within that first year. Therefore the defenders who are mentioned in the aforesaid constitution Excommunicamus are neither to be reputed heretics nor abettors of heretical wickedness, but are only to be labeled defenders of heretical wickedness. And these are distinguished from heretics, as we discover in Extra, De hereticis, Sicut ait, [col. 779] and in c. Si adversus, [col. 784] and in Extra, De sententia excomunicationis, c. Noverit. [col. 910]

We now prove the second part of the aforestated reason's premisses, namely, that sometimes defenders are called heretics. For as was argued above (with reference to 24 q. 3 c. Qui aliorum), those who defend the errors of others are proved to be not only heretics, but heresiarchs, because the fact that they defend the errors of others makes them masters of errors. Again: Innocent attests that some defenders are to be reputed heretics when he states in Extra, De verborum significatione, c. Super quibusdam : "your faithfulness requested us to explain which persons must be called manifest heretics. On this we must offer the following reply to you. They should be understood to be manifest heretics in your context, who publicly preach against the catholic faith, or who profess or defend error". [col. 923] We understand from these words that defenders of errors are to be numbered among the heretics. According to some, this must be understood to be the case regardless of whether they defend errors by deed, verbally, or in writing, and these interpreters claim that the proposition is true within the explained context.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Mike Voris Of Church Militant Blames Holy Mother Church For Disaster! Refuses To Blame Pope Francis!

“Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)

"A forerunner of the Antichrist, with his troops drawn from many nations, will wage war against the true Christ, sole Savior of the world; he will shed much blood and will seek to annihilate the cult of God so as to be regarded as a god." Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)
Latest from Voris:
"The Church has failed in Her God-given mission of saving the world." Mike Voris
And it is sad to say that much of that blame lies at the feet of the Church for not exercising Her authority to discipline errant sons. Mike Voris 
The world has become so evil because the Church has become a failing Church, a Church that fails to correct error when it appears. Mike Voris
No Voris it is Pope Francis who is to blame. Not the Bride Of Christ.

Stands to reason that Voris blames the Church and not Pope Francis and his henchmen. Pope Francis is set out to destroy the church and Mike Voris will help Francis in the destruction.

Voris is the forerunner to the Antichrist and he is set out to set up his own church.

This is why Voris attacks those who lay the responsibility on Pope Francis.